Sunday 12 December 2010

Want something to ya guu (:

My past weekend so far has been some what non entertaining to say the least, well apart from Friday after college with the family at goose drinking away and enjoying the fact we only got a week left before the holidays. That day i promised myself once again only one drink Robert Joseph Apro, just one otherwise you will perish yourself into that amber liquid that sends your head floating into a harmonic paradiso. Times passes by and one good friend, Jason finally turns up, I mean the family all thought that Jason was going to stand us up until he DIDN'T. As the evening progressed we all laughed, joked and necked four bottles of "Jack Rabbit" Rose's and man then we were, how do these people say this expression nowadays..."GONE"...It hit the 18.30 mark and we all decided to go our separate directions until Flareon (recently upgraded from Pinsir hahaha) and Digi-wolf- something (I didn't watch that wannabe show) came towards my allocated transportation pick up area and decided that we should do a VIDEO!! oh man, not only could I not see anything, I couldn't even stand properly, had to style it out by walking around so I didn't have to expose my wobbly limbs.

So I got home and waited to attend work. Now this is where it gets really dumb....we drove to the office, told no paperwork is there, went to another office, told to go back to first office, went there and found nothing, went back to 2nd office and got paperwork (why did they just not do in the first place!!!!!). went Clapham for like an hour and then went home, wasn't allowed to sleep though because i'm on standby so like you have to be on alert.

so my night consisted of trolling Flareon with texts and watching "Just Friends". film cracked me up so hard i needed Vaseline on the ready!

Here's character profile's of the pokemon so far


Still new to this so my image alignments are try to be compassionate about my retardedness...I do only have paws at the end of the day unlike you humans with your spider-like paws :D