Monday 13 December 2010


Where do I begin, well for starters my finger smelt. Good sign that I'm bound to have an awesome day, until i recieved a notification on my Facebook!! saying I'm some sort of thief because I status'd one of my favourite songs, jeez the nerve...but who else but Flareon to say it, always on my case like, I 'don't think I've had a easy week because of her :'( well anyway after a fully exquisite fag break, i was deemed cat face, thus Hitmonlee and Flareon used as BOIMENT ammo against me, little did they know I played the "feel guilty bitches" card on them (MUhahahAHAhaaaa...aah). Soon after they try corner me down as if I was some  RSPCA victim in an alley, anyhoo we made up and sang ring-a-ring roses till our tutor decided to big boot me in the back and demanded work :(

After college was too fun since I started to creep out Flareon (because she has never been the dumpee) by asking her out haha she shyed away not knowing what to do..yeaaa i thought that's right feel like lvl5 wildmon waiting to be caught >:) after 10minutes of torturing her she flipped it on MEE...we're both as bad as each other...complete shyguys

Then headed to the retro shop my mate works at and chilled there watching youtube vids till the shop had to close up...was delicious indeed. Got to the bus-stop only then he realises he's got the shops key bunch and had to sprint back like some speedy gonzales....we ended up missing two buses o.O some sloow guy.


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