Tuesday 7 December 2010

So...Here we are

Starting a Blog has always been a controversial topic for me and my bear, at first it was like;

Me: so erm...wana do a blog?
Bear: no
Me: why?
Bear: coz
Me: oh...ok then

So...there you have it...complete controversial or what. Anyhoo, This is a lovely opportunity to let you enter the doorway of my insanity (or sanity if your already crazy).

Right, first of all the other day right, I had work to attend to at 8am. Sounds preeeetty right? WRONG! because the previous night my urges to attend Black Sheep proved to be too damn...well...urging. Thinking to myself i'll leave at midnight like, I ended up staying the whole frigging night because i had to make sure people got to where they were going and I had to make sure my friend had a place to crash. Anyway, come 4am I finally decide to leave the joint (unfortunately they weren't any vacancies for accommodation there, not that I live there or anything ¬_¬ ok maybe I do) got home a 5am, opened a bottle of some dusty old Irish whiskey and shared it along with some cigarillos, now at this point I couldn't sleep, too paranoid to enter my personal domain and never leave. So I left for work, got there only to be told that I am not working and that other dude is.......


completely mind fucked me to the point where I just wanted to sit in a gutter by Farringdon Station and get squashed by a crane, at least my trip wouldn't have been bloody wasted.

I'll leave a lovely video of me and my bear (:

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