Thursday 23 December 2010

The suicidal attempts of a post drunk bear

Right, where to begin?

College is out now and everyone seems to be in high spirit, except you might ask? because I must work all over the holidays until Christmas morning 07.00!! still though, I've managed to sneak in a couple cheeky St.Heliers before last nights shift.

When myself and my COSS (i'm only an unworthy assistant) got to the work-site sometime around 23.10, we attempted to find an access point to go onto track (By the way, I work on a Railway firm just in case you lot are like what's this guy smoking), which we did, but to our surprise, it had been virally taken over by Japanese Knotweed and it was practically impossible to get through unless i wanted to be shredded like that fat naked dude from SAW. So anyway, clever me spotted another access point on the bridge, but it was on the other side of the tracks (4 tracks in total, 2 were open) so my COSS being the lad that he is was like "FUCK IT, I AIN'T WALKING MILE AN 1/4...LET'S JUST CROSS THE LINES". So I was like meh cool...anyway we got down on to the track and what seemed fine, wasn't?! it was mad, he crossed first an i waited for him to shout back, so I crossed...everything was good and I felt like a dick surrounded by satisfied women. Now this is where it gets pretty interesting, since half these tracks were live and that, I had to be extra cautious and plus where it snowed it made the walk a whole lot more challenging, and then BAM snow was all over the place and the sleepers was covered in ice, and I was crossing rails, and I SLIPPED!!! Fuck my heart was pounding like so hard it was like I was being tenderised from the inside out, I actually imagined I was going to look like a piece of 8oz Sirlion

So as I slipped, my foot smacked right on to the juice rail (the 750v DC rail that supplies the train and signals electricity), and well, luckily enough nothing happened (:

As we left site, we had to cross the open lines again with trains running at 90-125mph, so yea again he crossed and I did so myself....literally about 5seconds later a train came bulleting past me!...I was at the time thinking WHAT THE FUCK

After all this million dollar blockbuster stunt-capade, my workmate met up with some friends from anthoer firm that was working nearby, met up with them...and guess where they decided to go...go on...pleeeease won't? well fine, I won't say it then...haah...bitches!!!!! 

Alright fine I'll say it...we went to a brothel up in Soho, man they were so hyped up!!! it was the most funniest scariest thing to come across...By the way I didn't go in, I was broke haha so yea as I was chilling in the car, pimps came upto mee asking if I wanted to go inside, people kicking backlights of cars and starting fights, some teleporting crackhead guy that was eyeing me up! An old man with actual Dobby ears, lots of middle eastern men, ghetto kids and even Japanese graffiti....all in all it was a fun shift 

and check the temperature back on the early hours Monday morning

Monday 13 December 2010


Really bored so I'm going to post up as many pictures as huMANEly possible that shows my different hair styles  throughout the ages of my existence. Welcome to my memories



Where do I begin, well for starters my finger smelt. Good sign that I'm bound to have an awesome day, until i recieved a notification on my Facebook!! saying I'm some sort of thief because I status'd one of my favourite songs, jeez the nerve...but who else but Flareon to say it, always on my case like, I 'don't think I've had a easy week because of her :'( well anyway after a fully exquisite fag break, i was deemed cat face, thus Hitmonlee and Flareon used as BOIMENT ammo against me, little did they know I played the "feel guilty bitches" card on them (MUhahahAHAhaaaa...aah). Soon after they try corner me down as if I was some  RSPCA victim in an alley, anyhoo we made up and sang ring-a-ring roses till our tutor decided to big boot me in the back and demanded work :(

After college was too fun since I started to creep out Flareon (because she has never been the dumpee) by asking her out haha she shyed away not knowing what to do..yeaaa i thought that's right feel like lvl5 wildmon waiting to be caught >:) after 10minutes of torturing her she flipped it on MEE...we're both as bad as each other...complete shyguys

Then headed to the retro shop my mate works at and chilled there watching youtube vids till the shop had to close up...was delicious indeed. Got to the bus-stop only then he realises he's got the shops key bunch and had to sprint back like some speedy gonzales....we ended up missing two buses o.O some sloow guy.


Sunday 12 December 2010

Want something to ya guu (:

My past weekend so far has been some what non entertaining to say the least, well apart from Friday after college with the family at goose drinking away and enjoying the fact we only got a week left before the holidays. That day i promised myself once again only one drink Robert Joseph Apro, just one otherwise you will perish yourself into that amber liquid that sends your head floating into a harmonic paradiso. Times passes by and one good friend, Jason finally turns up, I mean the family all thought that Jason was going to stand us up until he DIDN'T. As the evening progressed we all laughed, joked and necked four bottles of "Jack Rabbit" Rose's and man then we were, how do these people say this expression nowadays..."GONE"...It hit the 18.30 mark and we all decided to go our separate directions until Flareon (recently upgraded from Pinsir hahaha) and Digi-wolf- something (I didn't watch that wannabe show) came towards my allocated transportation pick up area and decided that we should do a VIDEO!! oh man, not only could I not see anything, I couldn't even stand properly, had to style it out by walking around so I didn't have to expose my wobbly limbs.

So I got home and waited to attend work. Now this is where it gets really dumb....we drove to the office, told no paperwork is there, went to another office, told to go back to first office, went there and found nothing, went back to 2nd office and got paperwork (why did they just not do in the first place!!!!!). went Clapham for like an hour and then went home, wasn't allowed to sleep though because i'm on standby so like you have to be on alert.

so my night consisted of trolling Flareon with texts and watching "Just Friends". film cracked me up so hard i needed Vaseline on the ready!

Here's character profile's of the pokemon so far


Still new to this so my image alignments are try to be compassionate about my retardedness...I do only have paws at the end of the day unlike you humans with your spider-like paws :D

Saturday 11 December 2010

If you want me you can find me you can find me in the EY!

Couple days, I popped into my mates shop and OYYY I found something which I thought would never appear in my life...AGAIN! The film "The Sandlot". This was like a completely unprovoked blast from the past and when I inserted that silver disc of pure unadulterated madness, I cosied up and watched the SHIT out of it in bed with my Gloomy Bear night cap and reminisced every moment of that film as if I was 8 years old again.

I recommend this to anyone who actually likes old skool kids films rather then this new shit that completely fries your retinas. So yea, 1960's, hot babes and a fat kid who's actually cooler then of a lot of us put together. watch the DAMN FILM.

Oh yeah there's a huge ass dog in it that eats kids (:

Thursday 9 December 2010

Food for Thought

I recently obtained the new Daft Punk album for the Tron film and I got to's really good, but I can tell Walt Disney totally restricted D.P to do exactly what they wanted. Anyway, this is about how one of their songs really got to me earlier today during college and on the way home. The song "Adagio for TRON" was exceptionally grasping as it really got me into deep thought, at first it allowed me to concentrate like proper, then it started to transition into a lullaby making me feel really tired. Now when I get tired I started to drift into my philosophical side of consciousness.

As this song progresses through it's time-line it starts very soft as if a soothing, hopeful element allowing it's listener to think of good times, then strolls in the etchy power of the orchestra making it a more tense atmosphere as if something seems wrong, what do you do, what has happened, what am I seeing. Then it blows up pushing you into reality where that hope seems to have died from earlier making your dreams and views much more demotivating. Then when all felt so out of place, that soothing lullaby kicked right in to remind you that where ever you go, lie, walk, sleep, there's always a way for things to turn around for the better.

After all this analysing I started to ponder on my reality...your reality...our whole society's reality and I start to realise that this piece has the foundations a life where when you think your on top of the world, that confidence and belief that you will make it to where you want to go and stay, work as, settle down with. And once your young life is nothing but a past memory, it's then when you have stepped into a reality you've never been so unfamiliar with. A scary aspect as everything is acting against you, challenging your very beliefs and ambitions, setting up societies where you feel isolated even with the good friends you have acquired along the way and when you just think WTH, you manage to get that seat by the window of a bus or train and look out of the window n then start to smile knowing everything's going to be just fine.

So folks, have a listen and see what you think, am I just an old badgering man or a bear?

On the Brighter side of things I finally uploaded my new favourite picture

I can safely say she has gone up in the ranks...hope I get more pictures out of her 

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Another night in my world

          why do i do seriously       

Today...RIP my crappy black headphones

Today is the loss of my crappy black headphones...He will be missed so much since he (that's right, he is male) was the only pair that had both working lefty and righty ): was not impressed and since I'm a literally going to be a bum for the next week, I have nothing to listen, so hey let's all enjoy the bus chatter because I just love it!

That reminds me, while I was on the way to college not only was the bus pack out, but a whole choir of youngins were singing xmas christmas carols, cute right? WRONG! done my head in >:( was like my ass spitting fire out.

My work as of yet