Monday 31 January 2011

Tangled Threads of reason

I feel like I've forgotten how to write a blog...where do I start? errm...RIGHT!

Within the last two weeks before the deadline for ECA mini-portfolio, I didn't really pressure myself about it too much until the last....what....let's say 3 days before it was due in. I know what y'all thinking...Your a badass rebel. Well, sadly I am and it has made a 99.62% of me not even getting the interview for ECA. Ah well, there's others right?!

This weekend was the longest in my awesome human existence. With gaining £95 for the night and towards my passport, I headed off to Sheep to get my mind off of the failed mini-portfolio. It wasn't even 21.00 yet and already there was a queue, it's always so random with Sheep, one night, half packed, other half, it's like a sardine tin :\

As the progressed, so did the drinks. At one point, there was a game involved where you circulate your drinks within a small circle of friends after you take a gulp of it and continue circulating until everything it finished. It's a fast way to get pissed I can tell you that. Cool game in fact, so I'm going to implement it into my night outs more regularly (:

All I can say is that that night was a cock-blocking intended night for me, where ever I went to chat to a girl, bang someone came along shouting "all right mate how's it going?!?!?!?!!!!!?!?!?!" by then the girl wandered off never to be seen again which annoyed me so damn much to the point where I went up to the bar and asked for two of your strongest shots along with two snakebites, just to ease to pain some more. At this point I remembered I had work at 07.00 and the time was 01.15 (approximately.... OK I don't know when I realised when I had but I knew it was after midnight!!!) but I didn't care, I just wanted to continue to drink and dance the night away because that is what I just wanted to do.

04.30 and Sheep started to close up, so I scurried across to Roosters Chicken to meet my fellow drunken douche-bags, eat some chips and instead of going home, I thought it would be a great idea to go back to my mates and chill there even though I was meant to be at home, awake AND sober at yea I kind of slumped on the floor and started to close me eyes, then


 "Hi dad......err yea I'll be 5 minutes"


15 minutes later


"Yea....I'll be 5 minutes...oh...well can you pick me up then at Croydon Flyover...yea... OK...bye"

After the lecture, I got home, ripped off my stained clothing and changed into my eye-blinding work trousers and staggered downstairs for work.

60 minutes later

"Robi, wake up we're here!"

Completely forgetting that I was working, I woke up utterly confused and shrugged it off to go back to sleepyville



"Robi!!! WAKE UP"

"I'm not even getting a chance to sleep because you keep shouting Robi every 5 damn seconds!!!!!"

So yea, after what seemed like the worst 12 hours of my life because each second felt like a minute, we whisked back home where I happily got reunited with my one true bed

Here's some pictures of random cool shit I stumbled across during my recent adventures

"Kings of Leon my wet dream" 
"I think so too" 
"I disagree"

Some ultra cool use of a broken mirror

Badass sign for men's toilet

He watches you when you drink...Pedo ¬_¬

She turned my Caramelatte into an ice cream (:

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