Sunday 10 April 2011

Au Revoir

Found a new love...and it's nu disco coz boi it's needed for this summer and the weathers too pretty to be listening to post rock all the time

here's a few mixes from my latest love affair

Monday 31 January 2011

Tangled Threads of reason

I feel like I've forgotten how to write a blog...where do I start? errm...RIGHT!

Within the last two weeks before the deadline for ECA mini-portfolio, I didn't really pressure myself about it too much until the last....what....let's say 3 days before it was due in. I know what y'all thinking...Your a badass rebel. Well, sadly I am and it has made a 99.62% of me not even getting the interview for ECA. Ah well, there's others right?!

This weekend was the longest in my awesome human existence. With gaining £95 for the night and towards my passport, I headed off to Sheep to get my mind off of the failed mini-portfolio. It wasn't even 21.00 yet and already there was a queue, it's always so random with Sheep, one night, half packed, other half, it's like a sardine tin :\

As the progressed, so did the drinks. At one point, there was a game involved where you circulate your drinks within a small circle of friends after you take a gulp of it and continue circulating until everything it finished. It's a fast way to get pissed I can tell you that. Cool game in fact, so I'm going to implement it into my night outs more regularly (:

All I can say is that that night was a cock-blocking intended night for me, where ever I went to chat to a girl, bang someone came along shouting "all right mate how's it going?!?!?!?!!!!!?!?!?!" by then the girl wandered off never to be seen again which annoyed me so damn much to the point where I went up to the bar and asked for two of your strongest shots along with two snakebites, just to ease to pain some more. At this point I remembered I had work at 07.00 and the time was 01.15 (approximately.... OK I don't know when I realised when I had but I knew it was after midnight!!!) but I didn't care, I just wanted to continue to drink and dance the night away because that is what I just wanted to do.

04.30 and Sheep started to close up, so I scurried across to Roosters Chicken to meet my fellow drunken douche-bags, eat some chips and instead of going home, I thought it would be a great idea to go back to my mates and chill there even though I was meant to be at home, awake AND sober at yea I kind of slumped on the floor and started to close me eyes, then


 "Hi dad......err yea I'll be 5 minutes"


15 minutes later


"Yea....I'll be 5 minutes...oh...well can you pick me up then at Croydon Flyover...yea... OK...bye"

After the lecture, I got home, ripped off my stained clothing and changed into my eye-blinding work trousers and staggered downstairs for work.

60 minutes later

"Robi, wake up we're here!"

Completely forgetting that I was working, I woke up utterly confused and shrugged it off to go back to sleepyville



"Robi!!! WAKE UP"

"I'm not even getting a chance to sleep because you keep shouting Robi every 5 damn seconds!!!!!"

So yea, after what seemed like the worst 12 hours of my life because each second felt like a minute, we whisked back home where I happily got reunited with my one true bed

Here's some pictures of random cool shit I stumbled across during my recent adventures

"Kings of Leon my wet dream" 
"I think so too" 
"I disagree"

Some ultra cool use of a broken mirror

Badass sign for men's toilet

He watches you when you drink...Pedo ¬_¬

She turned my Caramelatte into an ice cream (:

Thursday 13 January 2011

Zodiacal light is a visible form of my fart

With the days narrowing down to the deadline for my mini-portfolio to be completed and uploaded to Flicker so Edinburgh College of Art can approve of my awesomeness, I'm starting to get nervous about it, why? not because I'm scared they might think I'm not awesome, that's just absurd, everyone knows I'm awesome anyway. It's because I have been booked in to do the whole week at Caroline House which means late nights and early mornings with only having the afternoon to focus on it, PROPER JARRING!!

While on the agenda, here are some epic songs to listen to while taking a poo

Thursday 6 January 2011

Virtual Reality sucks

Attempting to recollect 2 weeks worth of memory that is detailed enough for your shady eyes to read is nigh-on impossible, not due to my lack of capacity to hold such information in my peanut-sized brain, but the fact that alcohol helps wash away most of it (well, the boring bits anyway).

The day of my house party started off somewhat normal, me being lazy, waiting until last minute to clean up the mess I helped produce. Well anyway, people started arriving and I started drinking, it seemed all good until that beautifully crafted fusion of tobacco and herbs lied gently on my lips and inhaled that seductive smoke that released wings into my bear-like skull. Thinking it was a good idea, I had a shower straight after and fixed myself right up to look like part of the party instead of the greasy Joe costume I had on. A champagne bottle, 4 shots of whiskey, and some cider later, this is where my memory becomes blotchy, like a jigsaw puzzle with only a quarter of the pieces since your nephew decided that either chewing or hiding would be morally fun (makes no sense but "bear" with me...hahaaah...yea ¬_¬ ).

The last thing I remember of the night was letting Zoe and Shelley in and well....the rest looks a little like this.

This is where now everything I say will be memory gathered from the fellow party people

  • The number of times I fell down the stairs was approximately 10 times, and every time I had a smile on my face
  • The number of times I fell unconscious was up to 4 times with a drink ready by my side to be drunk when I awoke
  • I made milkshakes(?!) concocted up of Kahula, Vanilla Ice cream, Various other alcohol and Kinder Bueno...was buff apparently
  • Was dragged up a flight of stairs by the feet then let go of because Scott thought "Fuck this". Thanks to him I have a third butt cheek on the side of my right thigh
  • Kissed a guy to make sure some fit girls got off. Now this really blows because they make out regardless anyway
  • Said some shit like "Finish me off" to this dutty girl as if she was jacking me off. There was no evidence of semen so that was a lie (thank god)
  • Gatecrashers attended and tried to wake my soul-less body up by slapping and tickling me.

Following morning was your average "where the fuck am I?"/"Where's my jeans?"/"Holy shit?!" scenario, so I waddled my beaten up body down to ground zero and someone's voice popped into my head. A dear friend who I must get back into contact with. She said "Morning shots are good for hangovers", so using my noggin I found the nearest shot glass, poured a lovely single and topped it with some sweet sweet OJ. The rest is just boring...I mean what can I say, I spent the rest of the day chilling with two pokemons that were as hungover as me in my bed watching Catface. I think not (oh wait, did I just say it...ah fuck)

Let's fast forward to New Years Eve

Got Drunk. Danced away. Got slapped 3 times consecutively in the face on the same cheek. Missed the midnight kiss. Told people drunkenly that I love them. Left. Got Drunk some more.